Jesus Christ's deity, death and resurrection. We'll focus on his deity this week. John chapter 14 verse 6: I am the way the truth and the life. Without me no one can go to the father (CEV).
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...based upon The Navigator Bible Studies Handbook.
Jesus lived the perfect life, died the perfect death, and rose again.
This changes everything.
Keep living the good life, not through your own strength, but through Jesus' example.
In verses 10-18, Paul names 7 other people.
Despite Paul's hard words, he loves people.
Do I? Do you, dear Reader?
In verses 7-9, we learn that Tychicus is Paul's messenger. Onesimus, the former slave that Paul defends in the letter to Philemon, is also on this mission.
Paul surrounds himself with people of high quality and character.
Never send a person with poor character to complete an important task.
In verses 2-6, Paul reminds us that we ought to pray consistently, for ourselves and for others.
It is also important that we be prepared to speak wisely, particularly to people who are not Christians.
I pray that what I say will be more filled with grace as I grow in my faith.
In verse 1, we're reminded that we are not really in charge.
How would I treat my subordinates differently if I remembered this fact more consistently?
In verses 18-25, we read about smooth-functioning families and hard-working employees.
But what about the family that has an ogre for a dad? What about the sweatshop employee? Where does "turn the other cheek" transition into "created in the image of God?"
In verses 12-17, we're reminded to live our lives the way Christ lived his.
I rarely meet this standard. Today is a hard day for me to read this passage.
I particularly like the CEV translation of these two verses.
Even as we struggle through life, if we seek to follow God, then we will learn more and become more like him.
Race and religious background are irrelevant. Only our devotion to Christ counts.
In this podcast, I would like to consider the claim that it is impossible for a Christian to vote with a clear conscience for a pro-life candidate. Are more Christians Democrats or Republicans? Are Democrats or Republicans more Christian? When I was in high school, my Mom observed that young people tend to be very liberal or very conservative, but moderate their views as they age. This is consistent with my experience. As I've read through the Bible many times, especially the Old Testament, I've become more liberal in my thinking on some issues. I believe that the murder of the unborn is a sin. Killing babies is barbaric. But I also believe that murder of the living is a sin. Basing a war upon fabricated evidence is barbaric. President Obama does not accept that life begins at conception. Therefore, in his mind abortion is not immoral. I do not agree with his conclusion, but his perspective is internally consistent. President Bush did not accept that lying is wrong if the war is just. Therefore, in his mind the Iraq War is not immoral. I do not agree with his conclusion, but his perspective is internally consistent. The uncomfortable life-and-death question that faced Christians in this presidential election was not simply, "Which candidate is pro-life?" but also, "Whose life is more valuable, an unborn American child or an innocent Iraqi civilian?" In my reading of the Bible, the answer is that all humans are created in the image of God.
There are logical consequences of our faith when we ask Jesus into our hearts. Christians should act differently than if we didn't follow the teachings of the Bible. Why is this so often not the case?
Although Matthew's account of Palm Sunday is somewhat better-known, I feel drawn to the account in Luke 19. The geography of Jesus' trip into Jerusalem is interesting. He starts by passing through Jericho. This is where he stops to spend time with Zacchaeus. Then he approaches Bethphage (on the Mount of Olives) and Bethany (lit. house of unripe figs). There are about two miles remaining from this point in the journey. Jesus uses this road in his Parable of the Good Samaritan. Clearly it had a reputation for being a dangerous route. This trip is a total of 17 miles. I wonder how early Jesus started his trip, and how he was able to arrive at Jerusalem before sundown. How long did Jesus stay at Zacchaeus' house? Did Jesus' disciples ride uphill on camels or horses? Mark 11:11 indicates that it was already late when Jesus got into the city, so this appears consistent. Jesus directs two of his disciples (which two?) to go ahead into Jerusalem and get a colt which had never before been ridden. According to Max Lucado, the phrasing of their request, "The Lord needs it," indicates royal privilege. This is a king's trip, but on a commoner's ride, clearly prophesied in Zechariah 9:9. The Pharisees are upset by the praise Jesus is receiving, but Jesus tells them that even the stones will praise him, if necessary, in Luke 19:39-40. In verses 41-44, Jesus prophesies the upcoming siege of Jerusalem and persecution of God's chosen people. I wonder what he means by the phrase, "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes." Why is it hidden? Who is hiding this truth? There appears to be a complex relationship among good and evil, natural and spiritual, free will and predestination. One of my earliest memories in church is singing the song, "Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man." It's a simple story of the profound change Jesus can bring to anyone open to his forgiveness. But I'd never realized that this happened early on Palm Sunday. How incredible that before participating in his public inauguration he would spend a significant amount of time at a tax collector's home. There are striking parallels between the atmosphere describing Palm Sunday and the anticipation I sense around the United States in anticipation of Obama's inauguration next Tuesday. The excitement is palpable. However, there is a strong note of caution. Jesus tells the Parable of the Ten Minas, what I've always thought of as a darker version of the Parable of the Talents. In Luke 19:11 (NIV), we read: While they were listening to this, he went on to tell them a parable, because he was near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God was going to appear at once. This parable parallels a historical event from Jesus' boyhood: "The historical background for the parable was the visit of Archelaus, son of Herod the Great, to Rome to secure permission to reign as a so-called client king, i.e., over a territory actually subject to Rome. This petition was opposed by a delegation of Archelaus' own subjects" (Expositor's Bible Commentary). By implication, the kingdom of God is not intended to "appear at once." Just as Archelaus was not accepted by his subjects, neither is Jesus. This is an incredibly full and rich day, and there are an infinite number of lessons available to those who dig into the historical and spiritual record of Jesus' final week of life before his crucifixion and resurrection.
Who doesn't want to be complete?
In verses 9-10, I'm reminded that Jesus is my head.
Without Jesus, I'm headless! Dopey, but true.
What hollow ideas do I cling to? If I eliminate them, will I live a more faithful life?
And if I adopt more right thinking, will this lead to more faithful living as well?
Jesus did the hard part.
Stop trying to look good. You aren't!
Focus on what matters, not the peripherals.
This is great advice in life, not just in spiritual matters.
In verses 6-15, Paul reminds us that after we accept Jesus in our hearts, it's easy to get sidetracked.
We stay grateful by avoiding control beliefs which are devoid of Christ as the center.
Jesus completes us. Anything else is empty.
Jesus took on our greatest enemies, and he laid them bare. There was an element of public humiliation to the Resurrection.
All arguments against Christianity dismiss out-of-hand the Resurrection and divinity of Christ. These are not arguments of logic or reason or scientific reasoning, but of denial.
Paul uses the phrase "by the will of God" in several places:
Colossians 1:1
1 Corinthians 1:1
2 Timothy 1:1
Romans 1:10
Acts 18:21
Romans 15:32
Do I approach life with this humble attitude, one which acknowledges that God is in control?
In response to tonight's Common Ground message, an overview of Hebrews and an exposition on chapter 1, I did the following Google search: plato colossians 1 hebrews 1
One of the top results was "Plato 1 lecture outline"
Victor Shepherd was awarded an honorary doctorate from Roberts Wesleyan in 1995. I wonder if I was there when he was honored? I remember several speakers receiving honorary doctorates during chapel services.
Shepherd writes, "The Apologists and Fathers of the early church saw large affinities between Plato and biblical thought." However, "the Middle Platonists (1st cent. BCE) identified the forms with the divine mind. Now the universe was deemed to be a reflection of God's mind (rather than a reflection of the forms.) Result:
We learn in verses 25-29 that Paul was specifically drafted by God to serve the Gentiles in Colossae and around the region.
Who has God specifically called me to serve?
When I answer this question, I will struggle less with time management and scattered energy.
In verse 24, Paul and Timothy write about rejoicing in their suffering.
I don't have this kind of faith.
I don't know that I want this kind of faith!
This is not the right attitude. I wonder how to change my perspective.
In verses 13-23, Paul and Timothy describe God the Father and Jesus.
Paul and Timothy coauthored this letter.
They begin with a prayer of thanks for the faith of the Colossian church. Prayer begets prayer, and appreciation begets appreciation.
If I am missing thanksgiving, or prayer, or some other positive thing, it is important that I make the first step.
You get what you give. You reap what you sow.
In this new year, I pray that I'll reap wisely and according to God's will for my life.
I was surprised to learn that Colossae is not currently inhabited. Additionally, the site has not been examined by archaeologists.
I wonder what makes this ancient city less interesting to archaeologists than other locations?
Here are links to some excellent introductory resources.
I especially appreciate the EasyEnglish Bible Commentary and The New Testament in Modern English with Notes & Maps.