Sunday, December 14, 2008

Messianic Prophecies in Ezekiel

Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary: Old Testament
21:26-27 Luke 1:32-33 A rightful crowd for the Messiah
34:23-24 John 10:11, 14, 16; Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 5:4 The coming good shepherd
37:24-25 Luke 1:32-33 Messiah to be David's son and a king
37:24-25 John 10:11, 14, 16; Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 5:4 The coming good shepherd
37:26 Luke 22:20; 1 Corinthians 11:25 Messiah's everlasting covenant of peace


  1. Thank you for these. Bit late to reply to your post from almost 2 yrs ago, but maybe you're still around here.
    I think its important to bear in mind that at the time Ezekiel wrote this he was in forced exile in Babylon, along with the aristocracy and elite of Judah, and in particular the rightful king and descendant of the Davidic line, Jehoiachin. Although Zedekiah was acting as pupper 'regent' in Judah, even their Babylonian captors recognised that Jehoiachin was the true king. As such he was a natural centre of national aspiration and intrigue, and indeed was at one point imprisoned by Nebuchadrezzar, although he was later freed after the fall of Jerusalem. In most of the 'Messianic' passages, Ezekiel is writing after the fall of Jerusalem, but it is entirely possible that in these prophecies he, himself a member of the aristocratic, priestly elite, is referring to the restoration of Jehoiachin or one of his successors in the Davidic line. Admittedly, this does not discount the eventual application of the prophecy to Christ; but does also give it a context in its own time.

  2. Well-said. Yes, I'm still around!
