Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday Reflections

Since I was born on Good Friday, I use this as a day to reflect upon the previous year and consider where I've been and where I'm going.

In terms of meeting last year's annual goals, I missed the Greek goal entirely, partially met the growth in faith goal, and met both school and family targets. All in all, not a bad year!

Next year, my spiritual goal with be developing a less selfish attitude.

My intellectual goal is still learning to decode and comprehend NT Greek. Let’s focus just on John, since that’s traditionally considered the easiest to understand.

My school goals are being published before age 40 and growing in my leadership.

And my family goal stays the same: staying connected with Amy, Jack and Sarah.

Thank you, Lord, for the clarity you’ve given me. Remind me to stop comparing myself to others. It is vital that I measure my progress against your standards, Lord, not the world’s. You desire mercy, not sacrifice! This means, in particular, that I need to give up my perfectionism related to teaching targets.

Serve and get better results via prayer and spiritual growth, not more intellectual and professional struggle.

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