Monday, March 16, 2009

Controversial Passage: vv. 9-15

Cover of "Women in the Church: An Analysi...Cover via Amazon

Verses 9-15 are incredibly challenging.

Here are a couple of blog posts related to these verses:

Women in the Church- 1 Timothy 2:8-15, part 3 adopts the complementarian rather than the egalitarian interpretation.

Reading 1 Timothy 2:9-15 in Its Literary Context proposes that "[r]eading 1 Timothy 2:9-15 within its literary context indicates that Paul is not addressing women here simply because they are women," and consequently that it is not necessary to adopt either the complementary or egalitarian position on this passage.

What I find most difficult as I struggle with these verses is that the egalitarian position appears to be much younger than the complementarian position. This point is made repeatedly by the complementarians.

However, this does not make it necessarily the correct interpretation.

For example, the egalitarian position with respect to race is younger than the complementarian position. This has important implications!

Are there any Christians willing to adopt a complementarian position on race? Or is this perspective outdated?

My claim is that it is outdated.

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