Friday, February 22, 2008

"Pick 'em" in Phys Ed: I Hate Being Last!

In 5:23-24, Paul reminds us that our call to holy living is not dependent upon our own efforts. We will always fail! God knows this.

That's why, as I leave the study of 1 Thessalonians, I'm not overwhelmed by the responsibilities Paul has outlined here.

Jesus chose me, and he's trustworthy.

Wow, I'd never thought of this before.

I always hated "Pick 'em" time in phys ed class, because I was always one of the last people chosen. What would it be like to go through life not being picked by God? What does the Bible say to people like Pharaoh and Esau, people who were set aside for God's wrath?

As always, intense study has allowed me to draw out some new insights and highlighted some even deeper questions.

How do you answer this question, dear Reader? What do you say to people who aren't on God's team? Being picked last is better than not being picked at all...

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