Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Science & Faith, or the Lack of Deduction

OK. Actually, it is the message that came in power.
So what? I think the important thing is that when sharing the good news, I need to rely upon the Holy Spirit to prove the message. The idea is that in a mathematical, logical sense, I have no proof that God exists or that the Bible is true.
But there is a great deal of evidence that supports my faith.
It's the difference between a deductive proof and a proof by induction.
My faith is proved by induction, by overwhelming evidence and by the affect that my relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit has upon my life.
In this sense, science and faith are very closely related. No scientist claims that experimentation and observation "prove" a particular conclusion, but simply that, for example, evolution best explains the evidence at hand given our current data.
No Christian can with 100% certainty prove the Resurrection. But that doesn't mean that I believe in the Resurrection any less than a scientist believes in evolution.
Here's a true example from my own thinking: I think that the whole dinosaur culture is overblown. Prove that dinosaurs ever existed!
A paleontologist would probably be exasperated with this demand.
In the same way, I'm exasperated when someone asks me to prove the Bible is true.
So stop trying to prove the Bible's truth with logic, and refer instead to the evidence!

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